
Video Issues

Hi to all of you. To those coming to the blog to check out the videos of Avery you heard I had posted...I apologize. In trying to reverse their order on the blog page last night, I caused the videos to disappear somehow. Rest assured, I am working hard to get them back up on the blog. They are hosted at vigeo.google.com and I had posted them from the Google site to the blog. Apparently, once I have done that I can not go in and edit and then republish from the blogger site. Lesson learned! Anyway, I have been trying to go back through Google to repost the videos from there, but for some reason the site is not working properly (it is getting hung up during my password and username validation for posting to the blog). I even had Mom try to do it for me from her computer last night, and it did the same thing for her...so I think it is a Google site thing and not my computer at this point. But, alas, you all can still access both videos by clicking on the following links (these will take you to the video.google.site of the videos). For those who have not seen them, we sure hope you enjoy them. And for those coming back, we hope you enjoy them again. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1287664957474185331 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-393039592298392566&hl=en Also, if you are interested, you can check out all sorts of pictures we have put on smugmug.com. Just click on the follwing link: http://paauweclan.smugmug.com. There are albums with Avery's surgery pictures on there, so look at or avoid those as you will. Just remember, that some of those pics may not be appropriate for young children. You be the judge. There are pictures from this Christmas and from our 2004 wedding and honeymoon. Be sure to check out the album of Gunpowder Falls...there are some fantastic pics of Caiden there! If you like, be sure to keep track of the site because I will be adding lots more albums as time allows...so you might want to checl back. Also, if you happen to like the site so much that you think you want to get your own, then please earn a discount for yourself and a referral credit for me by giving them my email address (holly1224@sbcglobal.net) or this promotional coupon Po7VXsvdULzpI. Hope you have checking all these things out. I will post more of an update to catch everyone up on how things have been and what has changed sometime this evening. Avery has therapy this morning and afternoon. Love to all. Holly


Anonymous said...

Oh Holly!
What precious videos of sweet Avery! I can't tell you how they just melted my heart. That laugh... I'm so glad to hear a bit of news from you all. Sending our love from Kansas!
Saasha, Dan and Gibby Mac

Anonymous said...

My name is Stacy. I am Cameron’s aunt and Shelly’s sister. Absolutely precious videos! Watching them made my heart melt. Avery is an amazing little girl. I will continue to pray for her and for your family. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with all of us.

Happy Avery Doll. August 2006

Happy Avery Doll.  August 2006
Professional Portrait by Debra's Studio, Tell City, IN...Thanks so much for donating this picture!


Thanks for visiting The Paauwe Report blog page. We are happy to share our journey and life with you. Please take a moment and leave a comment on our posts. We love to hear from you!

Little Miss Sweet Pea. September 27, 2006

Little Miss Sweet Pea.  September 27, 2006
Sleeping Beauty, the night before first surgery.